Crown Wood Primary

Crown Wood
Primary School

Home Learning

Homework or ‘Home Learning’ refers to tasks given to pupils by their teachers to be completed outside of usual lessons.  Common homework activities tend to be reading or practicing spelling and number facts, but may also include more extended activities to develop inquiry skills or more directed and focused work such as revision for tests.  ‘Home Learning’ at Crown Wood Primary School is based upon the research evidence presented in the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Toolkit.

Typical tasks and activities include:

  • Practicing sounds learnt in phonics
  • Reading for pleasure / Reading comprehension
  • Learning and practicing basic mathematics skills (e.g. multiplication tables, number bonds)
  • Learning high frequency words, common exception words and spelling rules
  • Practicing grammar and punctuation rules
  • Undertaking occasional projects linked to their IPC unit

Home learning tasks are urrently uploaded to the Year Group Pages (Tapestry for EYFS) on our website.  During the 2023-24 academic year, we will move to using Google Classrooms.

In addition, home learning may be set via Bug Club (Reading) and Times Tables Rockstars.

You can read the Home Learning Policy here.