Crown Wood Primary

Crown Wood
Primary School

Pupil Survey Results

October 2020

91 randomly selected children from Year R - Year 6 were surveyed, representing 17% of the school population.  50.5% of responses were from girls.  They key findings were:

  • 96.7% of children said they were happy at school at least 'Most of the Time' (64.8% said 'Yes').  This compares to 81% the previous year.
  • 95.6% of children said behaviour in class was good at least 'Most of the Time' (39.6% said 'Yes').  85.7% of children said adults always deal with poor behaviour with a further 12.1% saying 'Most of the Time'.   This is in-line with analysis of behaviour logs and evidence from drop-ins.  While it is clear behaviour is good overall and incidents of low level disruption are infrequent, there is still room for improvement.
  • 94.5% of children said behaviour on the playground was good at least 'Most of the Time', but only 40.7% said 'always'.  69.2% of children said adults always deal with poor behaviour with a further 25.3% saying 'Most of the Time'.   We have seen improvements in behaviour on the playground.  We now need to increase (a) the percentage saying behaviour is good and (b) the percentage saying 'yes' to staff dealing with problems.
  • 97.8% of children said they got enough help / support from adults at least 'Most of the Time' (76.9% said 'Yes'). 
  • When asked about their favourite lessons, 21% said English (e.g. reading, writing or phonics), 23% said Mathematics and 56% said 'Other'.  Within this, the popular subjects were Art, Computing, PE and Science.
  • When asked about their least favourite lessons, 33% said they did not have one, 35% said English, 14% said Mathematics and 17% said 'other'.  The bulk of 'other' was PE.

You can see the full survey report here.