New resource – Britannica School

We have recently subscribed to a new online resource – Britannica Schools - to support our curriculum in class and at home.
The information in Britannica School is aligned to the national curriculum and is updated daily by a team of 100 editors. It spans a range of media, including text, journal articles, video, images and audio content. With the ability to browse by subject, look for biographies, explore the World Atlas, compare statistical information between different countries and discover interactive resources, Britannica School makes digital learning more accessible than ever. It can be used by children from early years to Year 6 (and beyond) and is designed to support pupils at all levels. Children can adapt the reading-level of the information they access, use a read-aloud function, access a dictionary and translate articles into around 100 languages. To access the platform from home navigate to We will send home the username and password through MCAS shortly. Children can create free personal accounts if they wish, but there is no need or requirement to use the platform. |