In Mathematics, our vision is to empower all children to be fluent and confident when manipulating numbers. Pupils will develop a conceptual understanding and be able to rapidly and accurately recall and apply knowledge. We strive to ensure that our pupils will leave Crown Wood with the ability to solve problems and think logically. Pupils will identify relationships in mathematics, make generalisations, explain their reasoning and break problems down into a series of simpler steps.
We use the White Rose Scheme to support our planning of Maths from Years 1 through to Year 6. This scheme promotes a deep understanding of mathematics through the Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract (CPA) approach and supports the development of fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. Children can find mathematics difficult because it is abstract. The CPA approach helps children learn new ideas and build on their existing knowledge by introducing abstract concepts in a more familiar and tangible way. Children will travel along the CPA continuum repeatedly, revisiting previous stages when a concept is reinforced or extended. Consequently, concrete apparatus is available in every classroom to support children’s conceptual mathematical understanding. However, as the CPA approach also represents a progression, our aim is children are able to go beyond the use of concrete equipment and are regularly using either pictorial representations or abstract understanding by the end of KS1.
We encourage the use of ‘low ceiling high threshold’ tasks in order to enable all children to have access to all levels of work. There is a balance between arithmetic, problem solving and reasoning. We ensure children are seated in mixed ability arrangements. Children are given the opportunity to ‘grapple’ with Maths tasks and to develop their reasoning through discussion with peers and adults.
To supplement our Math curriculum, all children from Years 3 to 6 participate in a Times Tables Challenge aimed at promoting fast, accurate recall of all times tables facts. This is organised in a clear and structured way and children are awarded badges and certificates as they progress through the challenges.
We also use Maths With Parents, a web-based resource that parents sign up to and which uses short video clips and practical activities to help parents to support their children. The activities each class receives are set by their teacher and link directly to work covered in class, consolidating the learning that takes place in school as well as providing parents with clear information about the approaches and vocabulary used by their children.
You can download our mathematics curriculum overview below. Further mathematics resources can be accessed here and you can visit the appropriate year group pages for their annual overviews and timetables using the following links:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |